lundi 8 novembre 2021

CELESTIAL – Entrance Into New Horizon

“The music is so beautiful and flows quietly without
ever getting tired of it”

Extract from Sylvain Lupari's review

Sequentia Legenda Berlin School music

To immerse myself in the universe of Sequentia Legenda

I wish you a lot of enjoyment with CELESTIAL.
May your entrance into this new sound horizon be a source of freedom. May your journey through the three musical atmospheres bring you dreams, softness and serenity.

Three Astral Arches Berlin School music

Spiritual and Mystical

It is a richly-pigmented sound painting with a spiritual and mystical framework and atmosphere, created with the instrumental palette of analogue synths.

With a total duration of 23:23, the three parts, "Yasna," "Feldi" and "Jerrish," follow one another, each delivering their own atmospheres to dress this sound painting with a mystical patina and reinforcing the resonance of the harmonic tones.

The introduction is rather unusual - I'll leave you with the surprise - it is built mainly with effects from the AKS and ARP Odyssey. The chords of the string instruments and the choirs unfold, gradually giving way to the different sequences that make up the rhythmic framework. Cymbals then reinforce the tempo. Velvety string ensembles from the famous Solina emerge in the distance to distill melodic lines here and there supported by subtle reverberation. The climax is reached with the addition of further drum elements to make way for the ethereal and spiritual finale consisting of choirs, effects, and a lulling of various crystalline sequences.

Symphonic Dawn of the Stars Berlin School music

Thousands of twirling fireflies

The atmosphere is in the continuity of the first track.
With a length of 21:29, this composition takes off with several sequential lines, multiplying, subtly changing and supported by the broad string ensemble chords of the PS-3300. The Solina then discreetly mingles with the aerial sweep, sublimating the phrasing of the legato notes with their soft starry tones. I am happy to have been able to add to the middle of this composition a sequence that is new in its technical development. This sequence comes from the AKS, delivering a stereophonic back-and-forth, finalizing the first half of this sonorous and cadenced effluvium, offering a gentle transition to the more spiritual part of this track. I'd like to say, what an exceptional sound machine the AKS is, with extreme sensitivity and richness!

The second part of "Symphonic Dawn of the Stars" is a glissando of choirs and strings, from which loops of crystalline notes emerge like thousands of twirling fireflies. In the last two minutes, there is a little wink to my oldest son Dylan. I won't tell you any more, so you'll be surprised.

VOICES 55 Sequentia Legenda

The language of my heart, my soul

My dream is gradually coming true since the beginning of my musical adventure. I thank God for granting me the gift of being an Artist. I am delighted to be able to offer you a part of a dream, an introspection.

In these complicated times, we all need freedom and music.
My music is the language of my heart, my soul. For me, music will always be a vehicle for hope and love.

Extract of the first track "Three Astral Arches" from Sequentia Legenda's next musical opus "CELESTIAL".



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