jeudi 24 décembre 2020

Sequentia Legenda's Christmas 2020

"This has been a special year
and we need music and hope even more."

Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda)

Sequentia Legenda Berlin School music
Thank you in advance for your support


The competition is launched, the election is open!
You can vote for the best artists and the best CDs of 2020.

I am present on the list of artists 2020 (Sequentia Legenda) here.

My two albums "FIVE" and "BEYOND THE STARS" are on the list of the best CDs of 2020 here.

Thank you in advance for your support.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and long live the Music!

🎹🙏🎹 Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda)

Sequentia Legenda Berlin School music
Corina Chirila


I had the pleasure of discovering Corina's artistic works during a live broadcast "ELECTROSTATION" organised by Adrian Bancu in Romania, dedicated to the Berlin School.

Chirila is very talented and she spontaneously and kindly accepted to participate in my video retracing my six years on the Berlin School stage. The backgrounds in this film are Corina's paintings.

I invite you to watch the retrospective video of my vision of the the Berlin School.

Corina Chirila : "I use to draw and paint since the year 2000 when I was almost 14. Since then the beauty of the universe is inspiring me. I like to draw and paint all the things I dream of but cannot reach. The subjects of my art are related to science such as astronomy and biology (I am a biologist and I like to draw and pain biological subjects too) but I also express my feelings and toughts by my creation. Poetry is also inspiring me."

About Sequentia Legenda : "Music inspires me and I can almost see the stars, planets and galaxies. Listening to it, I can visualise their light and I feel like I am travelling. I imagine spheres, black holes and gravitational waves. I like to do some of my paintings while listening to electronic music."


Sequentia Legenda Berlin School music
Laurent Schieber aka Sequentia Legenda


We've been through a special year, and for my part, I find that musical sharing makes even more sense at this time. We all need music, escape, freedom.

I am happy to be able to live my dream and even more so in these complicated times, and being able to offer a share of the dream, a moment of relaxation, is a real joy for me.

I wish you a wonderful holiday season.

Long live music, long live the Berlin School!

🎹🙏🎹 Musical greetings from France,
Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda)

Six Years of Sharing Music – A retrospective video of my vision of the Berlin School.

My 8 physical albums are for the occasion presented with the association of Corina Chirila's pictorial works. I am delighted to have been able to share during these first years my sound universes, to offer a part of dream and escape.  



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dimanche 13 décembre 2020

BEYOND THE STARS under the magnifying glass of Clavius Reticulus

"And by all the gods of the Cosmos,
he gives us a solid slap in the face here !

Clavius Reticulus (music reviewer at Prog Censor)

Sequentia Legenda Berlin School music
Visual design: El Jice

Three cosmic trips

Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) discovered the Berliner Schule in the cellar of his parents in the form of an old vinyl called "Mirage", a masterpiece of the undisputed master in this field: Klaus Schulze. It was a revelation for him, who then set himself the task of rethinking the style in his own way. And by all the gods of the Cosmos, he gives us a solid slap in the face here. Three cosmic trips with an exceptionally rich emotional sound.

Prog Censor Review Sequentia Legenda Berlin School 
With this album, Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) revisits the parameters of the genre. He definitely embodies the true Schulzian heritage.

Clavius Reticulus

🖝 Original Chronicle in French by Clavius Reticulus (Prog Censor)

🖝 The Blog article in French

Beyond the stars Berlin School music
Background: El Jice

The first steps of a celestial staircase

"Experimental" re-explores the sequential flavours of "Body Love 2" originally "Moogetique" (1977), a rise in power similar to that of "Nowhere Now Here". Sequencers in perfect symbiosis with the drums of his colleague Tommy Betzler, who also assisted Klaus Schulze, celestial virtual choirs to open the doors to a world whose sesame was previously held only by the composer. Climbing up the first steps of a celestial staircase, we enter at ground level into the crystalline mists of a scintillating mirage born of moiré nebulae where our subtle anamorphic bodies float to evaporate into a perfume of eternity beyond the beyond, where matter becomes Light.


Floating among the stars Berlin School music
Background: El Jice

Mirrors the waters of the "Crystal Lake"

"Experimental": Mirrors the waters of the "Crystal Lake" of the great Klaus Schulze.

Beyond from the beyond Berlin School music
Background: El Jice

Echo of Time

"Beyond from the Beyond": Here is the birth of a fairy caress coiled in the arms of a spiral nebula stretching out its sparkling gems. Illuminating the unfathomable space-time exploded, the rosette stretches slowly, to the rhythm of a revealing heartbeat. Resurgence of an iridescent dream translated by a slight syncopated rhythm prolonged in the echo of Time.

I would like to thank Clavius Reticulus for his beautiful review and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did. As a musician, it is important and interesting to know how listeners feel.

Music for me is a sharing of emotions, a message of Love, a vector of Hope.

I wish you a beautiful sound immersion and a beautiful celestial journey in the company of BEYOND THE STARS.

Musical greetings from France,
Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda)




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BEYOND THE STARS sous la loupe de Clavius Reticulus

"Et par tous les dieux du Cosmos,
il nous fiche ici une solide claque !

Clavius Reticulus (chroniqueur chez Prog Censor)

Sequentia Legenda Berlin School music
Mise en illustration : El Jice

Trois trips cosmiques

Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) a découvert la Berliner Schule dans la cave de ses parents sous la forme d’un vieux vinyle qui avait pour nom « Mirage », un chef-d’œuvre du Maître incontesté en la matière : Klaus Schulze. Une révélation pour lui qui se donne alors pour mission de repenser le style à sa façon. Et par tous les dieux du Cosmos, il nous fiche ici une solide claque. Trois trips cosmiques aux sonorités d’une exceptionnelle richesse émotionnelle.

Prog Censor Review Sequentia Legenda Berlin School 
Avec cet album, Laurent revisite les paramètres du genre. Il incarne définitivement le véritable héritage schulzien.

Clavius Reticulus

🖝 Chronique originale en français de Clavius Reticulus (Prog Censor)

🖝 L'article du Blog en anglais

Beyond the stars Berlin School music
Fond : El Jice

Les premières marches d’un escalier céleste

« Experimental »: réexplore les saveurs séquentielles de « Body Love 2 » initialement « Moogetique » (1977), une montée en puissance similaire à celle de « Nowhere Now Here ». Séquenceurs en parfaite symbiose avec la batterie de son comparse Tommy Betzler qui a également secondé Klaus Schulze, chœurs virtuels célestes pour nous ouvrir les portes d’un monde dont seul, jusque là, le compositeur détenait le sésame. Gravies les premières marches d’un escalier céleste, nous entrons de plain pied dans les brumes cristallines d’un scintillant mirage né de nébuleuses moirées où flottent nos corps subtils anamorphosés pour nous évaporer en un parfum d’éternité au delà de l’au delà, là où la matière devient Lumière.


Floating among the stars Berlin School music
Fond : El Jice

Mirrors the waters of the "Crystal Lake"

« Floating among the stars » : miroite les eaux du « Crystal Lake » du grand Klaus Schulze.

Beyond from the beyond Berlin School music
Fond : El Jice

Écho du temps

« Beyond from the Beyond » : voici naître une caresse féerique lovée dans les bras d’une nébuleuse spirale étirant ses gemmes scintillantes. Illumination de l’insondable espace-temps éclaté, la rosace s’étire lentement, au rythme d’un battement de cœur révélateur. Résurgence d’un rêve irisé traduit par un léger rythme syncopé prolongé dans l’écho du Temps.

Je remercie Clavius Reticulus pour son bel article et j’espère que vous avez pris autant de plaisir que moi à le lire. En tant que musicien, il est important et intéressant de connaitre le ressenti des auditeurs.

La musique pour moi est un partage d’émotions, un message d’Amour, un vecteur d’Espoir.

Je vous souhaite une belle immersion sonore et un beau voyage céleste en compagnie de BEYOND THE STARS.

Salutations Musicales de France,
Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda)

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