samedi 30 décembre 2017

My encounter with the modular Korg PS3200

I thank my father again today for all his attention.

Sequentia Legenda

1982: my meeting with the modular

In 1982, when I was 17 years old, I had just recently discovered the amazing music of Klaus Schulze through his superb album Mirage. At that time, there were many rumors about a rather strange instrument: it was the synthesizer. I started looking for this mysterious sound machine. I was browsing the classified ads section of music magazines looking for analogical machines.

It was during one of my travels in Paris, in an apartment located in an alley of a modest neighborhood, that I was going to get to know a mythical machine. After having climbed the many steps of a dark staircase with the tagged walls, I arrived in front of a heavy door. I was ringing, the door opened and before me appeared as if by magic a superb recording studio! In the midst of the many instruments, a synthesizer immediately caught my eye. It was the famous Korg PS3200. I only had eyes for the modular. The owner of the studio had informed me of his intention to sell the instrument next month. I told him I was very interested. He told me that if I wanted to, I could buy it right away. I was on a cloud, I immediately made a phone call to my father, persuading him to come to Paris to help me pay and also to transport this monster of 30 kilos. Even today, I thank him for his effort, for his attention.

That's how the PS3200 found itself the next day in my parents' basement, where I had set up my little studio, in the middle of the ARP Odyssey, the Oberheim SEM, the Korg MS20 and its sequencer SQ10, the Crumar Multiman S. I then took great pleasure in discovering all the facets of my new "baby". I have the memory of beautiful pads, strange sounds created with the ring modulator a bit like Klaus Schulze's "Dune". I really enjoyed the 16 available storage memories. The modular polyphony was one of its strengths.

Sequentia Legenda

More photos

Schallwelle Awards Sequentia Legenda

I am pleased to be nominated for this new edition
of the Schallwelle Awards

Dear listeners

During the last issue, I had the great pleasure to appear with my album EXTENDED on 9th place in the category "International Album" (after Jean-Michel Jarre, Vangelis and Enigma)

For this new edition I have the honour to be nominated again.
If you like, you can vote for my album "ETHEREAL by Sequentia Legenda" as well as for me in the category "Artist 2017".

More Testimonials

THE RETURN by Sequentia Legenda

For the end-of-year holiday season, I am pleased to offer you 
an excerpt in its experimental version.

THE RETURN comes from my archives, this title dates from the period of BLUE DREAM.
The composition is in its embryonic phase, the general atmosphere of this title is ethereal with a touch of analogue sound. It's a return to the original sources of Berlin School.

I invite you to download this experimental and collector's version.

I wish you a pleasant listening and a good discovery,
Sequentia Legenda


Kevin Schrieve THE RETURN by Sequentia Legenda

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dimanche 24 décembre 2017

A small gift for the Christmas season 🎁

Enjoy a little musical gift for the holidays

 An unreleased and Collector's title "THE RETURN"

For the Christmas holidays, I am pleased to offer you this experimental version

I found in my archives this version dating from the creation of BLUE DREAM. It is not excluded that the elaboration of this extract is not going to continue, so just take it as a small collector's gift.

The evolutionary sequences, the atmospheric pads are here in their development phases. The sound of this extract is oriented towards the warm grain of the analogical era. I leave you to take full advantage of this sound rough draft and wish you a beautiful immersion.

Till Kopper (Facebook 24.12.2017): "Although rather minimalistic track without bells and whistles (literally). But with a wonderful quite certain ambient mood mixed with Berlin School sequencing. AIt is not a remake or some cover of some well known artist, this is a unique Sequentia Legenda track. Laurent Schieber once again proves his great skills of doing new tracks in the Berlin School style without repeating music recorded 45-35 years ago. And without using the vintage techniques. This way the sound scapes are clear and well defined. But not sounding like cold digital at all. Rather organic and analog (without covering exact typical analog sounds). Well done! Very recommended for all listeners of Klaus Schulze and other more calm Berlin School music."

THE RETURN: a return to the sources of the Berlin School music

I am pleased to announce my new album „RENAISSANCE“ for 2018

My next opus "RENAISSANCE" will finally see the light of day in 2018, more precisely on May 17, a small wink to my wife.

RENAISSANCE, in the purest tradition of the analogue era.

This new album is a continuation of my musical vision: an extension of the Berlin School movement.

„Explore the Sound Universe“

My wishes

I wish you a pleasant time with my music
and a happy holiday season for you and your family.

Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda)

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samedi 18 novembre 2017

Carte Blanche à Sequentia Legenda

Un retour sur l'émission "Le BunKer" de Guy Devilla,
"Carte Blanche Sequentia Legenda"


Le Bunker par Guy Devilla

C'est le Vendredi 12 Février 2016 qu'eu lieu l'émission de Guy Devilla "Le BunKer", une émission spéciale puisque les 2 heures d'antenne furent allouées à Sequentia Legenda.

Présentation de l'émission : Retrou­vez un Bun­ker par­ti­cu­lier puisque Guy Devilla, qui pro­pose chaque ven­dredi soir sa sélec­tion de musiques élec­tro­niques alternatives laisse cette semaine carte blanche à Sequen­tia Legenda qui pro­pose sa musique atmo­sphé­rique, qua­si­ment pla­nante ins­pi­rée de la Ber­lin School.
Pen­dant deux heures retrou­vez cet artiste à l’actualité très riche : plu­sieurs pro­gram­ma­tions sur cou­leur 3 dans l’émission Yves Blanc « La Pla­nète Bleue », élu Album de la semaine par la radio ber­li­noise Modul303 et en liste pour une double nomi­na­tion au Schall­welle Awards 2016 en tant qu’Artiste inter­na­tio­nal 2015 et pour l’Album inter­na­tio­nal 2015. Il est éga­le­ment en lice pour les Mur­mures d’or 2015 sur la radio qué­bé­coise Mur­mures du son !


Guy Devilla "Le BunKer" Carte Blanche à Sequentia Legenda

Comment l'idée d'une Carte Blanche à vue le jour ?

Explication de Guy Devilla (Animateur Radio) : "C’est en écoutant mon émission radio préférée « La Planète Bleue » d’Yves Blanc, que je découvre avec un grand étonnement la programmation d’un artiste mulhousien ! Sequentia Legenda, de la berliner school ! Une première et une aubaine !

Étant moi même Dj - animateur d’une émission de musiques électroniques, ce fût une évidence pour moi de chercher à rencontrer ce musicien .

Nous avons fait connaissance autour d’un verre dans un bar de la ville et tout naturellement, une idée d’une carte blanche dans mon émission s’est imposée.

Mon objectif était de faire découvrir le talent de notre artiste local !!

Mission accomplie !"

Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) dans les studios de Radio MNE en 2016


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samedi 9 septembre 2017

A return on the title VIBRATIONS

"He swims and whirls"

Sequentia Legenda Berlin School music


It is indeed a very precise part of FLY OVER ME which served as starting point.
The atmosphere consists essentially of crystal loops which move,
oscillating like vibratory waves.
The chords in the B minor tone, as well as the basses, support the sequences that give the cadence. Here, not percussion, but a few voices mingle with the whole.
Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda)

Berlin School music


"We remember these delicate arpeggios which rang at Crystal Lake's opening?
We remember this second draft of Mirage in Big in Japan?

The introduction of VIBRATIONS plunges us right in the heart of these two universes. We could downright speak about plagiarism if the track didn't sneak between both variations of FLY OVER ME and THE APPROACH. The execution is the same, only the ambiences differ. Here the synth pads always caress so warmly this delicate electronic staccato which amplifies its measure with as much subtlety as delicacy, whilst electronic chirpings of the beautiful Schulze's analog years come to peck at our ears and to awake soft memories of a time that will always stay in the firmament of the unconditional charms of EM. The proof? This wonderful obsession which surrounds the Sequentia Legenda phenomenon who, with an approach so candid, manages to put between our ears a thing for which we would never have hoped.

Three monuments of EM with variations on the same theme, BLUE DREAM is to the 2010's what Mirage was in the 80's."

Sylvain Lupari April 26, 2015

To the original review

Sequentia Legenda Berlin School music


"Most space music is made of three components: synth pads, sequencer loops and solos (which can sometimes be too flashy and protruding). Sequentia Legenda is intelligent and sensitive enough to create his instrumental music with a perfect blend of the first two components only: pads and loops. In his spacey compositions, where light meets minimalism, and fitted to dream and meditation, there is no room for flashy solo, no room for protruding showing-off. Instead the space is filled with highly sophisticated perpetually changing pads and ever-evolving patterns of loops, creating a complex structure of sound."

Yves Blanc (La Planète Bleue)
Sequentia Legenda Berlin School music


"[...]VIBRATIONS fires up the spectacle with its extended version. As far I remember, shorter edition of this composition was my fave piece on BLUE DREAM album. Persistently shimmering ear-tickling sequences exquisitely commingle with sublimely sweeping horizons and remotely percolating and oscillating cybernetic glimpses. Although without any significant modifications when comparing to the original version, it's still a truly triumphant piece paying monumental tribute to Berlin School legends.[...]"

Richard Gürtler (May 21, 2017, Bratislava, Slovakia)

To the original review



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vendredi 18 août 2017

Une révélation, un choc, un bumper ! Article d'Yves Blanc "La Planète Bleue volume 9"

Voici comment Yves Blanc présente Sequentia Legenda lors de la sortie du CD et du livre "La Planète Bleue volume 9"

Une révélation, un choc, un bumper !

Il y a des gens, vous en connaissez sûrement, dont la vie s'écoule régulièrement, sans accident, sans à-coup, presque sans surprise, sûrement sans trop de stress, sur un rythme régulier, bien réglé, bien huilé. D'autres en revanche connaissent une vie avec quelques rebonds, parfois des bifurcations soudaines, que ce soit dans leur vie personnelle ou dans leur activité professionnelle. Parfois les deux, d'ailleurs. Ces gens-là ont une vie évidemment plus agitée, plus rebondissante, ils se heurtent parfois à des espèces de bumpers qui les renvoient, qui les réexpédient soudain vers des directions nouvelles, complètement inattendues.

Sequentia Legenda (Laurent Schieber) et Yves Blanc

Ça a été le cas du compositeur dont j'aimerais vous parler aujourd'hui, camarades écouteurs : Sequentia Legenda. Le garçon est graphiste, il travaille dans un pays voisin. Un beau jour, il tombe sur un disque de Klaus Schulze, Mirage. Cette écoute est pour lui une révélation, un choc, un bumper justement. Suite à l'écoute attentive de ce disque, sa vie va prendre une nouvelle direction.

Il devient compositeur, très spécialisé dans un secteur pointu que les connaisseurs appellent la Berlin School, les musiques électroniques planantes (voir plage 11). En deux mots, il s'agit d'une musique électronique répétitive plutôt planante, apparue à Berlin au début des années 70, avec Tangerine Dream, Ash Ra Tempel, et Klaus Schulze, qui donnera naissance, des années plus tard, à la new age, à l'ambient, et à l'electronica. Qu'on l'appelle Kosmiche Musik ou Space Music, qu'il s'agisse de l'Ecole de Berlin ou de l'Ecole de Düsseldorf, plus percussive, plus rythmique, dont les fers de lance ont été Can, Kraftwerk et Neu!, qui ont influencé — certains disent inventé — la techno, toutes ces musiques ont deux choses en commun : elles sont allemandes et audacieuses.

Donc, quand Sequentia Legenda découvre Mirage de Klaus Schulze, sa vie rebondit. Il devient compositeur de musique électronique planante, et il a alors une démarche tout à fait originale. Car la quasi totalité des musiques planantes sont constituées de trois éléments : des nappes de synthé, des boucles de sequencer… et des soli… souvent très chiants, il faut bien l'avouer. Sequentia Legenda a l'intelligence, la sensibilité de bâtir ses musiques, strictement instrumentales, sur les deux premiers éléments seulement : les nappes et les boucles.

Dans ses compositions, aucun solo dégoulinant, aucun solo ennuyeux, mais des nappes d'une grande sophistication, en constante évolution, et des boucles, elles aussi en évolution permanente, parfois d'une grande complexité, même si elles ont toujours l'apparence de l'évidence. 

De Mulhouse, la Berlin School d'aujourd'hui, une musique spatiale, lumineuse et minimaliste, favorable au rêve : Sequentia Legenda sur La Planète Bleue.
Yves Blanc,
La Planète Bleue

Voici le lien vers la version originale.

Journaliste, écrivain, producteur et réalisateur,
Yves Blanc arpente depuis 25 ans les meilleurs programmes radio / télé :

  •     "Megamix" sur Arte,
  •     "Culture Club" sur France Inter,
  •     "Fondu Au Noir" sur Radio France,
  •     "Les Aiguilles Dans Le Rouge" sur Radio Nova et Couleur3,
  •     "Les Coins du Globe" sur RSR La Première,
  •     "La Planète Bleue" sur Couleur3, Radio Nova, Radio Canada, Radio Monaco, Radio Ellébore et iTunes.

Il est l'auteur du roman Les Guetteurs du passé (Favre, 2010) et le beau livre La Planète Bleue, le livre (Georg, 2017). Il a été collaborateur permanent de Sciences et Avenir pendant quinze ans, ainsi que d'une douzaine de journaux en Suisse et en France, et dirige la collection de disques La Planète Bleue (neuf volumes parus). 

Lire la biographie sur Wikipédia.

▶  La Planète Bleue website

▶  Yves Blanc présente EXTENDED dans son émission La Planète Bleue

▶  Sequentia Legenda Discography 

▶  Sequentia Legenda Reviews and Interviews

  Sequentia Legenda Youtube Playslist Reviews/Interviews/PodCasting 


mardi 1 août 2017

First half 2017 Highlights of Sequentia Legenda

Soon the holidays for me and my family.
They supported me in this musical adventure and I thank them.

Here's the Highlights of the first half of 2017.


EXTENDED was nominated in the category of "International Albums"


The year 2017 began with a great surprise from Germany and more precisely from the planetarium of Dortmund where the Schallwelle Awards took place, an award dedicated to electronic music.

My double album EXTENDED was ranked 9th in international albums, behind Jean-Michel Jarre, Vangelis and other Enigma. This award has provided me joy and pride and it is a positive impulse for my next album ETHEREAL.

Collaboration with Kurtz Mindfieds

At the beginning of the year, I was given the opportunity to collaborate with the French artist Kurtz Mindfieds (Jean-Luc Briançon) for a special project as the time was fixed and relatively short for my style of music.
9 minutes to compose what would become Out of the Silence. The work was interesting, the symbiosis between our two sonorous universes was instantaneous. This title is on the last vinyl of Jean-Luc.A video clip is available here.

Stages performance

With Tommy Betzler, we worked on our stage representation.
Appart Concert in Mulhouse (France) Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) and Tommy Betzler
For this, an intimate concert took place in an apartment in Mulhouse. Family, loved ones and friends were invited to share 1h30 of music in a new setting. The "Appart-Concert" was a great success and we were able to share our views during the lunch. Here are some photos.
Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) in Masevaux (France)

Afterwards, an invitation to Masevaux (Alsace, France) was made to me to come and play in the evening of 21 June on the occasion of the "Fête de la Musique". So it was in solo that I performed in a torrid heat (+ 30 °) a large part of the night. It was the ultimate rehearsal with the Hamm festival. 
Here is a video clip. Here is a video clip.

Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) und Tommy Betzler in Hamm (Germany)

I performed for the first time on stage in Hamm (Germany) on July 1st, surrounded by German drummer Tommy Betzler (who accompanied Klaus Schulze on the tour in the 80's). We played two tracks from EXTENDED. The atmosphere of the Winnies Schwingungenparty was warm and the public gave us a wonderful welcome. This first concert was a beautiful and rich experience.

Hamm Photos

A nice summary of this event is to be read on the site of ""

A nice summary on the site of ""

Hamm on my Blog

ETHEREAL my 4th album

On 21 July 2017 my fourth album "ETHEREAL"
is available in its digital and physical version.

This is an opus dedicated to the Modular Moog. The soundtrack is focused on sequences delivered by the modular supported by the ethereal pads and the seraphic choirs. 3 tracks, 70 minutes of pure Berlin School music, over a hundred hours of listening, a lot of energy and sensitivity. A collaboration with Thomas Tommy Betzler (drummer of Klaus Schulze in 80 ').

ETHEREAL is available here

▶  ETHEREAL Youtube Playlist

▶  ETHEREAL Landing page

▶  Sequentia Legenda Reviews and Interviews

▶  Sequentia Legenda Youtube Playslist Reviews/Interviews/PodCasting 

▶  Sequentia Legenda Discography

samedi 15 juillet 2017

ETHEREAL: Next album, official release July 21, 2017

I have the great pleasure to announce you  the imminent release of my fourth album ETHEREAL, which will be officially available to the public on July 21 in dematerialized and physical version.
ETHEREAL by Sequentia Legenda

This opus will be an immersive and emotional experience, a tribute to the legendary Moog modular, three titles will be present for a total duration of 70 minutes.

ETHEREAL: an album full of emotions

ETHEREAL by Sequentia Legenda
"ETHEREAL is an album full of emotions, which are present through the sequences and the sonic texture. The Moog Modular brings a particular color to the sound palette of this new opus. I wanted to achieve a result in harmony with my vision of the Berlin school: an extension of this musical movement" Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda)

ETHEREAL: 70 minutes of pure music Berlin School

This opus will be an immersive and emotional experience, a tribute to the legendary Moog modular, three titles will be present for a total duration of 70 minutes.

ETHEREAL by Sequentia Legenda




















1. Stratums of Seraphic Voices 26:28

In this first title, the Moog Modular will generate a large sequence bringing in its wake seraphic voices and ethereal choirs.

Through this musical poem, the listener will be invited to live an immersive experience.

2. Around the Second Moon* 22:44

Second track, two Moog Modular synthesizers that complement each other to create two floating sequences around the second moon.

Two musicians working together for the second time: Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) and * Tommy Betzler.

A journey through time and space around the second moon. 

3. Elevation 20:34

The third track of this album begins with the slow progression of a cosmic sound texture, allowing the sequential lines of both Moog Modular synthesizers develop.

In this sound canvas in perpetual evolution, the pads and ethereal choirs, backed by sonic percussions, invite the listener for an ascent to the stars.

ETHEREAL: a collaboration

ETHEREAL by Sequentia Legenda
 The second track "Around the second Moon", which features drummer Tommy Betzler.
All Tommy's drum parts are placed within the ethereal and cosmic atmosphere of this track.

For more information I can invite you to go on the landing page and also on the facebook event page.

Thanks for your attention and I give you appointment on July 21st for the release of ETHEREAL.

Sequentia Legenda

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▶  ETHEREAL Newsletter

▶  ETHEREAL Youtube Playlist

▶  Sequentia Legenda Discography